Repair ZIL-5301
The steering gear must be delivered to the work site where the disassembly and repair of the steering gear will be performed only after it has been thoroughly cleaned of dirt and washed on the outside with kerosene or another degreasing liquid.
When removing the clutch from the vehicle, it is necessary to disconnect the clutch release drive. This work can be performed both with and without disconnecting the pipelines
The diesel air supply system includes an air filter and pipes connecting the filter to the turbocharger
Before assembly, the spring sheets must be lubricated with graphite grease.
The springs are assembled in the device shown in Fig. 1.
ZIL-5301 Headlight Wiring Diagram
Many questions arise regarding the wiring diagram for the steering column switch to the headlights
Removal and inspection of springs of the ZIL-5301 vehicle
Dismantling the front and rear springs is carried out in the same sequence