car GAZ-2705

Replacement of clutch cylinders is mainly associated with the following defects:
- - the clutch does not disengage (the pedal fails);

Usually the front beam of a car is removed when the beam bends or twists, as well as other defects that require beam removal

Repair of carburetor K-151 of GAZ-2705
The carburetor should be removed from the engine mainly to flush it from dirt and resins, since repairs and adjustments of most of its systems and elements can be carried out without dismantling

Schemes of ZMZ-405 engine control systems may differ depending on which mass air flow sensor is installed
Three types of sensors can be installed on the vehicle:

We clean the pump from dirt from the outside. We drain the oil from the system, article - Changing the oil in the GAZ-2705 power steering

On cars of the GAZelle family of different years of production and configurations, three combinations of instruments can be installed: the old model produced before 2003, the new model produced since 2003 for cars with engines ZMZ-4063, ZMZ-40522, UMZ-4215 and new production model since 2003 for cars with ZMZ-40524 and UMZ-4218 engines