Repair ZIL-5301
The cylinder head is a cast iron casting, in the internal cavities of which there are intake and exhaust channels closed by valves
Before starting work, the car should be cleaned of dirt and washed.
To remove the front axle from the car, you need to lift the car and install stands under the front axle beam, unscrew the wheel mounting nuts and remove them.
ZIL-5301 Parking Brake System Spring Accumulator
The parking brake system drive uses a spring accumulator (Fig. 1) designed to activate the rear wheel brakes when the parking brake system is engaged
Front suspension - dependent, leaf spring, attached to the frame with elastic hinges.
Guide apparatus and elastic elements - longitudinally located asymmetrical leaf springs
Before assembly, all parts must be thoroughly washed and dried
On ZIL-5301 cars and buses manufactured before 01.09.01, an electric motor 351.5205 and a washer mod. 11.5208 with an electronic control unit mod. BUS 1.92.3761, located in the cabin under the instrument panel on the left side of the driver next to the hood release handle, were installed to drive the windshield wiper.