Lada Kalina cars can be equipped with engines: VAZ-21114, VAZ-21194, VAZ-21126, VAZ-11183
Repair and maintenance of the VAZ-21126 engine is discussed in the following articles:

Assembly of the VAZ-21126 engine
Defection of engine parts VAZ-21126
Design features of the cylinder head of the VAZ-21126 engine
Design features of the VAZ-21126 engine
How to disassemble the VAZ-21126 engine
How to repair the cylinder head VAZ-21126
How to replace the cylinder head cover gasket VAZ-21126
How to replace the valve stem seals of the VAZ-21126 engine
Lapping of cylinder head valves of the VAZ-21126 engine
Malfunctions of hydraulic pushers of the VAZ-21126 engine
Removing the engine cover VAZ-21126
Replacement of camshaft seals for VAZ-21126 engine
Replacing the camshafts of the VAZ-21126 engine
Replacing the crankshaft seals VAZ-21126
Replacing the cylinder head gasket of the VAZ-21126 engine
Replacing the gasket of the collector of the VAZ-21126 engine
Replacing the intake manifold seals VAZ-21126
Replacing the timing belt and tension roller of the VAZ-21126 engine
Setting the TDC of the VAZ-21126 engine
Repair and maintenance of the VAZ-21114 engine is discussed in the following articles:
- Checking the condition and replacing the VAZ-21114 engine generator drive belt
- Continuation of the article "Faults in the VAZ-21114 engine"
- Engine cooling system VAZ-21114
- Features of the engine management system VAZ-21114
- Features of the exhaust system of the VAZ-21114 engine
- Fuel system of the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to adjust the engine valve VAZ-21114
- How to check and replace the idle speed controller of the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to check and replace the timing belt on the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to check the nozzles of the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to disassemble and assemble the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to remove and disassemble the cylinder head of the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to remove and install the oil receiver of the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to remove and install the throttle assembly of the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to repair the oil pump of the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to replace the camshaft oil seal of the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to replace the crankshaft oil seals of the VAZ-21114 engine
- How to replace the valve stem seals of the cylinder head of the VAZ-21114 engine
- Malfunctions of the VAZ-21114 engine
- Replacing the camshaft of the VAZ-21114 engine
- Replacing the clutch units of the VAZ-21114 engine
- The clutch of the engine of the power plant VAZ-21114