Usually the camshaft oil seal is replaced during engine repairs and when oil leaks

Leaking oil splashes onto the timing belt, which eventually deteriorates.


How to replace the camshaft oil seal of a VAZ-21114 engine

Using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the three bolts securing the timing cover

How to replace the camshaft oil seal of a VAZ-21114 engine

Remove the front timing drive cover.

How to replace the camshaft oil seal of a VAZ-21114 engine

Insert a 10mm head with an extension through the hole in the pulley and put it on the nut securing the rear timing belt cover.

Using a 17mm socket, loosen the bolt securing the camshaft timing pulley.

Remove the timing belt (see the article “Checking and replacing the timing belt")

How to replace the camshaft oil seal of a VAZ-21114 engine

After unscrewing the fastening bolt, remove the camshaft pulley

How to replace the camshaft oil seal of a VAZ-21114 engine

Use a screwdriver to pry off the oil seal

How to replace the camshaft oil seal of a VAZ-21114 engine

Remove the camshaft oil seal

How to replace the camshaft oil seal of a VAZ-21114 engine

Apply a thin layer of engine oil to the working edge of the new oil seal and press the oil seal using a mandrel of suitable diameter

The subsequent assembly is carried out in the reverse order.


How to remove the front suspension crossmember of a VAZ-2123 car

Replace the crossbar in the following cases:

  • - presence of significant visible mechanical damage;

Repair of the front axle and steering rods MAZ

The transverse angle of the king pin of 5˚, as well as the camber angle of the wheels of 1˚, are ensured by the manufacture of parts of the front axle. These angles are not adjustable.

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