Repair ZIL-5301
ZIL-5301 Clutch Release Drive
ZIL vehicles and buses use a hydraulic clutch drive with a pneumatic booster.
As a rule, the pneumatic-hydraulic booster (PGU) is disassembled for repair in the following cases:
Removal and inspection of springs of the ZIL-5301 vehicle
Dismantling the front and rear springs is carried out in the same sequence
The vehicle is manufactured and designed for operation at ambient temperatures from plus 40 to minus 40°C, relative air humidity up to 80% at 20°C, air dustiness up to 0.1 g/m 3
Before assembly, all parts must be thoroughly washed and dried
Press the bushings using a special mandrel (see Fig. 1) into the holes of the steering knuckle flush with the surface so that the open ends of the grooves on the bushings are facing the inside of the knuckle (the pressing force must be at least 10 kN)
The steering gear must be delivered to the work site where the disassembly and repair of the steering gear will be performed only after it has been thoroughly cleaned of dirt and washed on the outside with kerosene or another degreasing liquid.