Check the angular free play of the steering wheel daily with the engine idling by rocking the steering wheel back and forth until the steering wheels begin to turn.

The angular free play of the steering wheel should not exceed 15°.

Check the free play on the vehicle with the front wheels straight.

If the angular free play of the steering wheel is greater than the permissible value, it is necessary to determine which unit is responsible for the increased angular free play, for which it is necessary to check the condition of the control rod adjustment, the adjustment of the steering mechanism, the clearances in the cardan joints of the steering control and the tightening of the wedges securing the cardan shaft.

Fig. 1. Adjusting the axial clearance of the steering wheel: 1 - nut

If the steering mechanism or rods are out of adjustment, make the necessary adjustments.

If there are increased clearances in the cardan joints, the cardan shaft should be replaced or repaired.

After making sure that the listed units are in satisfactory condition, check the tightening of the nut 19 of the thrust bearings (Figure 2).

Steering gear: 1 - lower cover; 2, 14, 25, 29 and 41 - sealing rings; 3 - plug; 4 - steering gear housing; 5 - rack-and-pinion piston; 6 - split sealing ring; 7 - steering screw; 8 - ball nut; 9 - groove; 10 - ball; 11 - split piston rings; 12 - intermediate cover; 13 - thrust ball bearing; 15 - ball valve; 15 - spool valve; 17 - control valve housing; 18 - spring washer; 19 - adjusting nut; 20 - upper cover; 21 - needle bearing 22 and 35 - oil seal thrust rings; 23 - outer sealing cuff; 24 - side cover; 26 - thrust washer; 27 - adjusting washer; 28 - retaining ring; 30 - adjusting screw; 31 - pitman arm shaft; 32 - drain plug with magnet; 33 - pitman arm shaft bushings; 34 and 38 - oil seals; 36 - rubber cuff; 37 - pitman arm shaft nut; 39 - reaction spring; 40 - reaction plunger; 42 - adjusting screw

Axial movement of the steering wheel is not allowed.

If there is axial movement of the steering wheel, it is necessary to tighten nut 1 ("font-size: 14px;"1), having first straightened the tabs of the lock washer.

After adjustment, one of the tabs should be bent back into the groove of the nut.

The torque of the steering shaft, disconnected from the cardan shaft, should be equal to 3-8 kgf.

Excessive tightening of nut 1 followed by its unscrewing to obtain the specified torque of shaft 7 (see Figure 3) is not allowed, as it can cause damage to bearing 4.

Fig. 2. Steering column: 1 - nut; 2 - lock washer; 3 - felt ring; 4 - lower ball bearing; 5 - column pipe; 6 - horn current collector; 7 - steering shaft; 8 - upper bearing; 9 - lock ring; 10 - key; 11 - horn button wire to contact device ring; 12 - steering wheel nut; 13 - steering wheel; 14 - horn button cover; 15 - contact cap; 16 - contact plate; 17 - rubber roller; 18 - turn signal switch