Remove the front axle gearbox as described in the article - "Removing and installing the front axle gearbox"

Install the gearbox on the workbench.

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Unscrew the eight nuts securing the front cover to the gearbox housing with a 10 key

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Removing the front cover

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Removing the gasket

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Using a 10 mm socket, unscrew the bolt securing the locking plate of the left differential box bearing cover and remove the plate.

Also remove the locking plate of the right cover.

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Using a 19 mm socket, unscrew the four nuts securing the differential box bearing caps

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Remove the washers from the studs

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

We use a screwdriver to pry off the cover of the left bearing of the differential box

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Remove the cover of the left differential box bearing

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

To remove the cover of the right bearing, screw the bolt into the hole for fastening the locking plate and, pulling the bolt, remove the cover

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Removing the adjusting nuts

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Removing the differential box assembly with the driven gear of the main transmission.

Differential repair is identical to rear axle differential repair.

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Remove the pinion oil seal from the gearbox housing socket (for removal and installation of the oil seal, see the article - "How to replace the pinion oil seal of the rear axle VAZ-2121").

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Removing the inner ring of the rear bearing of the pinion gear

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Removing the pinion gear with inner ring, separator, spacer sleeve and front bearing rollers.

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

By striking the punch with a hammer, knock out the outer ring of the front bearing

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

We take out the ring

We also dismantle the outer ring of the rear bearing

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

If oil is leaking from under the lower cover of the gearbox housing, then with a 10 head we unscrew the eight bolts of its fasteners

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Removing the cover

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

Remove the sealing gasket

See the article - "How to assemble the VAZ-2121 rear axle gearbox" for checking the technical condition of the parts.

In addition, check the condition of the bearings of the inner joint housings of the drives.

There should be no cracks or signs of wear on the seats of the gearbox housing.

Replace worn and damaged parts with new ones.

Disassembling the front axle gearbox VAZ-2121

To set the differential box bearing preload, tighten both bearing adjusting nuts sequentially and evenly until the distance between the covers is 0.08-0.11 mm.

Replace the gearbox cover sealing gaskets.

Apply sealant to the gaskets before installation.

Press in new outer bearing rings of the drive gear using suitable pipe sections.


Removal and disassembly of springs ZIL-5301

Removal and inspection of springs of the ZIL-5301 vehicle

Dismantling the front and rear springs is carried out in the same sequence

Removal and installation of the GAZ-2705 carburetor

Let's take a closer look at removing and installing the carburetor

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