• - it is not necessary to remove the engine to remove the cylinder head
  • - to prevent damage to the paintwork of the wings of the body, it is necessary to use a special coating
  • - to prevent damage to the cylinder head, before removing it, you must wait until the engine cools down

When removing the metal cylinder head gasket, be careful not to miss it or damage the contact surface of the block with the head.

When disconnecting a wire, apply force directly to the connector, not the wire.

To avoid incorrect connection, it is necessary to put labels on all wires.

Turn the crankshaft pulley to set the piston of the first cylinder to the top dead center (TDC) position.

Details of the cylinder head: 1 - Camshaft bearing cap; 2 - Front camshaft bearing cap; 3 - Final camshaft; 4 - Intake camshaft; 5 - An asterisk of a drive of a final camshaft in gathering; 6 - Intake camshaft drive sprocket assembly; 7- Upper camshaft bearing shell; 8 - Lower camshaft bearing shell; 9 - Valve pusher; 10 - crackers (spring lock); 11 - Spring support; 12 - Valve spring; 13 - Oil scraper cap; 14 - Valve; 15 - Cylinder head; 16 - Inlet valve; 17 - Exhaust valve; 18 - Cylinder head gasket

Disconnect the negative and positive terminals (A) from the battery.

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0L engine - G4KD and 2.4L - G4KE

Remove the engine cover (A).

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0L engine - G4KD and 2.4L - G4KE

Remove the duct (A).

Removing and installing the cylinder head of an engine with a volume of 2.0 l. - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Disconnect the vent hose (A), vacuum hose (B), ECM connector (C) and remove the air filter assembly.

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Remove the bottom cover (A).

Removing and installing the cylinder head of an engine with a volume of 2.0 l. - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Unscrew the drain plug and drain the coolant.

Remove the upper radiator hose (A) and the lower hose (B).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Remove the heater hose (A).

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0L engine - G4KD and 2.4L - G4KE

Disconnect the VIS connector (A), OPS (B), knock sensor (C) and A/C switch connector.

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0L engine - G4KD and 2.4L - G4KE

Disconnect the intake valve connector (A).

Disconnect the injector connectors (A) and ignition coils (B).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Disconnect the electronic timing control connectors (A) from the MAP sensor (B).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Disconnect the connectors for idle control (A), throttle position sensor (B), and mass air flow sensor (C), then remove the cable.

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Disconnect the camshaft position sensor (A), fuel hose (B), brake booster vacuum hose (C) and positive crankcase breather hose (D) connectors.

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Disconnect the connector from the positive crankcase breather hose (A), electronic ignition timing control (B), capacitor (C), crankshaft position sensor (D), camshaft position sensor (E), and brake booster vacuum hose (F).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Remove thermostat assembly (A).

Remove the timing chain.

Remove the intake and exhaust manifolds.

Remove the intake and exhaust sprockets.

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Remove the camshaft.

- Remove the front camshaft bearing cover (A).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the engine with a volume of 2.0 liters - G4KD and 2.4 liters - G4KE

- Remove the upper exhaust camshaft bearing (A).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the engine with a volume of 2.0 liters - G4KD and 2.4 liters - G4KE

- Remove the insert cover (A) as shown.

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the engine with a volume of 2.0 liters - G4KD and 2.4 liters - G4KE

- Remove the camshaft (A).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the engine with a volume of 2.0 liters - G4KD and 2.4 liters - G4KE

- Remove the lower exhaust camshaft bearing (A).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Remove the oil pressure regulating valve (A)

Remove the exhaust valve.

Remove the cylinder head bolts, then remove the cylinder head.

Removing and installing the cylinder head of an engine with a volume of 2.0 l. - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Using the special tool, remove the 10 cylinder head bolts in the order shown.

Incorrect installation may result in damage to the cylinder head.

- Remove the cylinder head from the guide pin on the cylinder block and place it on wooden blocks.

Be careful not to damage the contact surfaces of the head and cylinder block.

Remove the cylinder head gasket.

Installing the cylinder head

  • - Rinse all parts before installation.
  • - Always use new cylinder head gasket and exhaust and intake manifold gaskets
  • - Always use new cylinder head bolts
  • - The cylinder head gasket is metal, you must be careful not to bend it before installation.
  • - Turn the crankshaft clockwise to set the piston of the first cylinder to the TDC position.

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0L engine - G4KD and 2.4L - G4KE

Set filter.

Keep the filter clean

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Install the cylinder head gasket (A) on the cylinder block.

  • - Pay attention to the installation order.
  • - Apply sealant to mark (B).
  • - After applying the sealant, the block head must be installed within 5 minutes.

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0L engine - G4KD and 2.4L - G4KE

Install the block head carefully so as not to damage the gasket.

Install the cylinder head bolts.

  • - Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the threads and under the cylinder head bolt heads.
  • - Using a hex wrench, screw in and tighten the 10 head bolts and washers in the order shown in the figure. Tightening torque: 34.3 Nm + 90˚ + 90˚.

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Install the valves. Tightening torque: 9.8 - 11.8 Nm.

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

  • - Do not damage or drop the valves.
  • - keep the filter clean.
  • - When the valves are installed on the engine, do not move the engine while holding the valve bracket.

Install camshafts.

Apply a thin layer of engine oil to the camshaft bearings.

- Install the lower exhaust camshaft bearing (A).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the engine with a volume of 2.0 liters - G4KD and 2.4 liters - G4KE

- Install camshafts (A).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the engine with a volume of 2.0 liters - G4KD and 2.4 liters - G4KE

- Install the upper exhaust camshaft bearing (A).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the engine with a volume of 2.0 liters - G4KD and 2.4 liters - G4KE

Install the bearing caps in their original position.

Torque order: group A -> group B —> group C.

Tightening torque:

  • step 1: M6: 5.9 Nm, M8: 14.7 Nm,
  • step 2: M6: 10.8 - 12.7 Nm, M8: 27.5 - 31.4 Nm.

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Install the thermostat assembly (A). Tightening torque for bolts and nuts: 18.6 - 23.5 Nm.

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0L engine - G4KD and 2.4L - G4KE

First install the thermostat assembly and the water inlet hose to the water pump, then tighten the inlet hose nuts.

- Always use new O-rings.

Install the timing chain.

Check valve clearance.

10. Install the cylinder head cover.

  • - Cured sealant located on the top surface between the chain cover and the head of the block must be removed before installing the head cover.
  • - After applying the sealant, assembly must be completed within 5 minutes. The thickness of the sealant strip is 2.5 mm.

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the engine with a volume of 2.0 liters - G4KD and 2.4 liters - G4KE

  • - Crimping and blowing must be done no more than 30 minutes after installing the cover.
  • - Screw in the cylinder head bolts in the following way:

Tightening torque: step 1: 3.9 - 5.9 Nm, step 2: 7.8 - 9.8 Nm.

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Do not reuse the cylinder head gasket.

Install intake and exhaust manifolds.

Connect the connectors of the positive crankcase breather hose (A), electronic ignition timing control (B), capacitor (C), crankshaft position sensor (D), camshaft position sensor (E), and brake booster vacuum hose.

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0L engine - G4KD and 2.4L - G4KE

Connect the brake booster vacuum hose (D), positive crankcase breather hose (C), fuel hose (B), camshaft position sensor (A).

Removing and installing the cylinder head of a 2.0L engine - G4KD and 2.4L - G4KE

Connect the connectors of the ETC and the MAP sensor (B).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Connect the connectors for the idle air control (A), throttle position sensor (B), and mass air flow sensor (C), then connect the connectors for the throttle cable harness (D).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Connect the injector connectors (A), throttle position sensor (B).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE

Connect the control valve connector (A)

Removal and installation 2.0 liter cylinder head tuning. - G4KD and 2.4 liters. – G4KE

Connect VIS(A), OPS(B), knock sensor (C) and compressor switch (D)

Install the heater hose (A).

Removal and installation of the cylinder head of the 2.0 l. engine - G4KD and 2.4 l. - G4KE


How to replace the shock absorbers of the suspension brackets of a Gazelle car

Shock absorbers are used to dampen suspension vibrations

The upper parts of the rods protruding from the shock absorbers are protected from dirt by rubber caps

Crank mechanism UMZ-4215

Pistons - nominal diameter 100 mm, with a conical recess on the bottom, with a thermostatic insert, cast from an aluminum alloy and coated with tin

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