It is advisable to check the fluid level in the expansion tank of the cooling system during each inspection of the car before leaving and necessarily in the event of engine overheating and the associated release of fluid from the system

To check the fluid level, place the car on a horizontal platform.

The fluid level should be checked on a cold engine.

How to replace the engine coolant Lada Largus

On the side wall of the expansion tank there are Max and Min marks, between which the fluid level should be on a cold engine.

When the engine is warmed up to operating temperature, the coolant level in the tank may be slightly above the Max mark.

If it is necessary to add fluid to the system on the road, with a hot engine, then stop it.

After waiting at least ten minutes, cover the expansion tank cap with a rag and unscrew it a quarter of a turn, releasing excess pressure in the cooling system.

If the fluid level is at or below the mark, unscrew the expansion tank cap and add coolant to the tank, slightly not bringing the level to the Max mark.

Remove coolant leaks with a rag.

Tighten the expansion tank cap.

Replacing engine coolant

How to replace the engine coolant Lada Largus

In accordance with the maintenance regulations, the coolant is replaced every 90 thousand km or after 3 years, whichever comes first.

We perform the work on a cold engine, placing the car on an inspection ditch or overpass.

If the engine is hot, it is necessary to let it cool down, and then release excess pressure in the cooling system.

Remove the power unit protection.

The radiator and cylinder block are not provided with plugs for draining the liquid.

We place a wide container with a capacity of at least 6 liters under radiator.

To reduce the intensity of fluid drainage at the initial moment, the expansion tank cap should be tightly screwed on.

How to replace the engine coolant Lada Largus

From below the car, use sliding pliers to squeeze the ends of the clamp and slide the clamp along the hose.

Disconnect the hose from the radiator pipe and drain the liquid into a container.

To increase the intensity of fluid drainage, unscrew the expansion tank cap and the cap of the fitting (air release from the cooling system), located on the liquid supply hose to the heater.

Flush the cooling system with water through the expansion tank.

Pour water through the cooling system until the water flowing out of the radiator outlet hose becomes clear.

How to replace the engine coolant Lada Largus

Then put the outlet hose on the radiator pipe and secure it with a clamp.

Pour liquid into the engine cooling system through the expansion tank until the liquid begins to flow out through the air bleed nipple.

Tighten the cap air bleed nipples and the expansion tank cap.

Start the engine. When the engine warms up, the outlet (lower) radiator hose should be cold for a while, and then quickly heat up, which will indicate that the liquid has started to circulate in a large circle.

After waiting for the cooling system fan to turn on, stop the engine.

After the engine has cooled down, check the coolant level.

If necessary, bring it up to standard.

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