Remove the generator from the engine if a complete generator overhaul or replacement is required
The specifics and labor intensity of the work on removing the generator depend on the vehicle configuration.
Removing the generator
If the vehicle has a K7M engine without air conditioning and without power steering, then:

Remove the protective cap from nut 1 and disconnect connector 2 of the wiring harness from generator 3.
Using a 13 mm socket, unscrew nut 1.
Disconnect the wire ends from the "B+" terminal of the generator.

Cut belt 1 with a knife or nippers and remove it
(The belt cannot be reused, so cut and replace it).
Using a 10 mm head, unscrew and remove the upper and lower bolts 5 securing the generator to bracket 4 (Figure 1).
Remove the generator.
Installing the generator
For cars with a K7M engine without an air conditioning system and without power steering
Remove the right front wheel.
Remove the right mudguard of the engine.
Remove the front casing of the right front wheel arch.
Install the generator in the reverse order of removal.

Install and secure the accessory drive belt installation tool 67.7834-9703 on pulley 2 (Figure 3) of the crankshaft.
Install a new belt 1 and turn the crankshaft pulley with a 18 mm head until the belt is fully installed.
Tighten the generator mounting bolts. In this case, the tightening torques of the threaded connections:
- - generator mounting bolts to the bracket — 21 Nm (2.1 kgf.m);
- - generator wire mounting nut — 14 Nm (1.4 kgf.m) (replaceable head 10 and 13, torque wrench).
The marking of the generator drive belt on a car without power steering and without air conditioning is 4РК 718 (four-V-belt, 718 mm long).
If the car is equipped with a K7M engine with power steering without air conditioning, then:

Remove the protective cap from nut 1 and disconnect connector 4 of the instrument panel wiring harness from generator 2.
Using a 13 mm head, unscrew nut 1.
Disconnect the wire ends from the "B+" terminal of the generator.

Using a 10 mm socket, loosen adjusting bolt 2 and bolt 1 by 3-4 turns
Remove the right front wheel
Remove the right engine mudguard.
Remove the right front wheel arch cover.

Using a 10 mm head, loosen the lower bolt 1 securing the adjusting bar to the bracket by 3-4 turns and loosen the tension of the auxiliary drive belt 2 equipment.
Remove the accessory drive belt from the pulleys.

Using a 10 mm socket, unscrew and remove the two lower bolts 1 and 2 that mount the generator 4 to the bracket.
Unscrew and remove the upper bolt 5 that mounts the generator to the bracket.
Remove the generator.
For vehicles with a K7M engine without a climate control system with power steering.

We install the generator in the reverse order of removal.
In this case, the tightening torques of the threaded connections:
- - generator mounting bolts to the bracket - 21 Nm (2.1 kgf.m);
- - tension roller adjusting bar mounting bolt - 21 Nm (2.1 kgf.m) (replaceable head 10, ratchet and extension, torque wrench);
- - generator wire mounting nut - 14 Nm (1.4 kgf.m) (replaceable head 13, ratchet, extension, torque wrench).
Auxiliary drive belt marking for a vehicle with power steering and without air conditioning - 5K1110 (five-V-shaped, length 1110 mm). When replacing the belt, you must also replace its tension roller.
If the car is equipped with air conditioning and power steering, then:
Remove the right front wheel.
Remove the front bumper.

Using a 16 mm open-end wrench, turn tension roller 1 clockwise.
Lock the tension roller with a 6 mm Allen key.
Remove auxiliary equipment drive belt 2

Unscrew the air deflector mounting screws.
Remove air deflector 1.

Using a 10 mm head, unscrew the upper bolts 1, securing the radiator bracket to the car body

Disconnect brackets 2, radiator mountings from the radiator

Remove the radiator 1 of the engine cooling system together with the condenser 2 of the air conditioner from the lower mounts 3 and move it towards the left wing of the car
Using a 13 key, unscrew the nut 2 securing the generator wire and disconnect the wire from the generator.

Disconnect block 3 of the wiring harness of the instrument panel of the generator.

Using a 10 mm head, unscrew the upper bolt 4 of the generator mount
Using a 10 mm head, unscrew the bolt 1 of the lower generator mount and remove the generator together with the lower mount bolt
Installing the generator with the air conditioning system and power steering
Install the generator in the reverse order of removal. In this case, the tightening torques of the threaded connections:
- - generator mounting bolts to the bracket — 21 Nm (2.1 kgf.m);
- - generator wire mounting nut — 14 Nm (1.4 kgf.m) (replaceable head 13, ratchet, extension, torque wrench).
Marking of the auxiliary drive belt of a car with power steering and air conditioning — 5K 1747 (five-V-belt, 1747 mm long).
When replacing the belt, it is also necessary to replace the support and tension rollers.

Installing the generator with the air conditioning system and power steering
Install the generator in the reverse order of removal. In this case, the tightening torques of the threaded connections:
- - generator mounting bolts to the bracket — 21 Nm (2.1 kgf.m);
- - generator wire mounting nut — 14 Nm (1.4 kgf.m) (replaceable head 13, ratchet, extension, torque wrench).
The marking of the auxiliary drive belt of a car with power steering and air conditioning is 5K 1747 (five-V-belt, 1747 mm long).
When replacing the belt, it is also necessary to replace the support and tension rollers.
If the car has a K4M engine with power steering without air conditioning, then:
Remove the front right wheel.
Remove the right mudguard engine.
Removing the accessory drive belt.

Unscrew the two nuts 1, fastening the fuel rail protection and remove the protection 2 of the fuel rail.
Unscrew the two nuts 1, fastening the fuel rail protection and remove the protection 2 of the fuel rail.
Disconnect the fitting 3 of the fuel pipe from the fuel rail.
Using a 13 key, unscrew the nut fastening the generator wire. Disconnect the wire from the generator
Disconnect the wiring harness block from the generator.
Move the wiring harness branch to the generator to the side
- Using a 13 mm head, unscrew the bolt securing the power steering pipe to the cylinder block.
- Using a 10 mm head, unscrew the bolt securing the bracket securing the power steering pipe to the generator and remove the bracket.
- Using a 10 mm head, unscrew the upper generator mounting bolt.
- Using a 10 mm head, unscrew the lower generator mounting bolt and lift the generator upwards together with the lower mounting bolt.

For vehicles with a K4M engine with power steering and without air conditioning
Install the generator in the reverse order of removal. In this case, tightening torques for threaded connections:
- - generator mounting bolts to bracket — 21 Nm (2.1 kgf.m);
- - power steering pipe bracket mounting bolt to generator 22 Nm (2.2 kgf.m);
- - generator wire mounting nut — 14 Nm (1.4 kgf.m);
- - fuel rail protection mounting nuts 21 Nm (2.1 kgf.m) (replaceable head 10 and 13, torque wrench).
Install a new auxiliary equipment drive belt.