Kamaz car
The brake pneumatic drive has a source of compressed air - compressor 1. Compressor, pressure regulator 2, fuse 3 against freezing of condensate in compressed air and condensation receiver 11 - the supply part of the drive, from which purified compressed air at a given pressure is supplied to the remaining parts of the pneumatic drive and to other compressed air consumers
The generator serves as a source of electricity for the car when the engine is running. The main parts of the generator are the stator and the rotor
The triple safety valve serves to divide the line from the compressor into three autonomous circuits - two main (front axle wheel brake drive and rear bogie wheel brake drive) and one additional (emergency brake release system drive), as well as to automatically shut off the damaged circuit with in order to maintain pressure in serviceable circuits
Design and operation of Kamaz parking (spare) brake devices
The parking brake is designed to hold a stationary vehicle on a horizontal section, path or slope specified by the rules of the road
We dismantle the winch for replacement or repair