Removing the alternator belt

Remove the fan drive belt. Fan belt ZMZ-402 GAZ-2705

Removing the generator belt

Loosen the two bolts securing the generator to the bracket.

Removing the generator belt

Loosen the bolt securing the generator adjustment bar.

Removing the generator belt

Loosen the adjusting bolt and turn the generator towards the engine block.

Remove the alternator belt.

Installing the alternator belt

Installing the generator belt

Place belt 1 on pulley 2 of the water pump, then on pulley 3 of the crankshaft and pulley 4 of the generator.

After installing the belt, adjust its tension.

Adjusting the tension of the generator belt

Adjusting the tension of the alternator belt

Loosen the two bolts securing the generator to the bracket and the bolt securing the generator adjustment bar.

Loosen the tightening of adjusting bolt 1 and, turning the generator away from the engine cylinder block, tighten the belt

Tighten the bolt and check the belt tension as above.

If the belt tension is normal, then tighten the bolts securing the generator and the adjusting bar.


Adjustment of the gearbox of the bridge GAZ-2705

The rear axle bearings, lateral clearance and the position of the contact patch in the engagement of the main pair are adjusted at the factory, and, as a rule, they do not require adjustment during operation

Assembling the gearbox of a MAZ car

The gearbox assembly is carried out in three stages: assembly of the drive shaft and drive shaft bearing cover, intermediate and driven shafts, gearbox top cover, remote gear shift mechanism, oil pump, general assembly of the gearbox and testing

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