The steering device is shown in Figure 1.

The steering gear is with a hydraulic booster, located in a common housing with the steering gear; it has a screw with a nut on circulating balls and a piston-rack with a toothed sector.

The power steering pump is a gear type, mod. NSh-10-3-L, driven by a block of timing gears; The oil tank is located separately.

Steering of the ZIL-5301 vehicle: 1 - power steering pump drive gear; 2 - ball bearing; 3 - bearing housing; 4 - low-pressure hose tube; 5 - pump tank mounting bracket; 6, 17 - low-pressure hoses; 7 - pump tank; 8 - suction hose; 9 - high-pressure hose tube; 10 - power steering pump; 11 - steering column mounting bracket; 12 - steering column; 13 - high-pressure hose; 14 - steering wheel; 15, 18 - driveshaft mounting wedge; 16 - driveshaft; 19 - steering gear; 20 - steering gear pitman arm; 21, 22 - thrust rings; 23 - gasket; 24 - steering gear mounting bracket; 25, 26 - bolts

The safety valve is a ball, direct acting, placed in the steering gear control valve body and is designed to limit the oil pressure in. system, opens at a pressure of 6.8-7.2 MPa.

The cardan shaft has two hinges and a sliding spline connection.

The cardan shaft forks are attached to the steering screw and the steering column shaft with wedges.

The steering column is height and tilt adjustable, with an anti-theft device.

The column body is hinged on a bracket, which is bolted to the inner panel of the cabin.

The steering column shaft rotates in special ball bearings located in the column tube.

Technical characteristics of the steering

Steering gear ratio - 20

Dry weight of the steering gear, kg - 30

Pump working volume, cm3 - 10

Pump performance at a pump shaft speed of 1200 min -1 and a pressure of 10 MPa, l/min - 10

Volumetric efficiency - 0.9

Dry weight of the pump, kg - 2.55

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