We remove the front wheel drives to replace the drive covers. We also remove them when replacing the drive seals and when dismantling the gearbox.
We prepare the car for the work. We install the car on an inspection pit or lift.

Remove the engine guard (Fig. 1)
In order to remove the left front wheel drive, drain the oil from the gearbox for this:
Clean the gearbox drain hole from below. Place a container of about 4 liters under the gearbox to drain.
Take an 8 mm square wrench and unscrew the drain plug. Drain the oil into a container. After that, tighten the drain plug.
Unscrew the front wheel hub bearing nut.
Remove the wheel.
Using a 16 mm head, unscrew the nut of the tie bolt (Fig. 4) of the terminal connection of the steering knuckle and the ball joint pin, holding the bolt with a key of the same size.
Take out the bolt or knock it out with a punch made of soft metal.
Using a powerful slotted screwdriver or mounting blade, loosen the connection steering knuckle and ball joint pin.
Pry off the terminal connection with a screwdriver
At the same time, shaking the steering knuckle from side to side by the brake disc, we remove the ball joint pin from the steering knuckle hole.
We move the steering knuckle with the shock absorber strut to the side and remove the splined tailpiece of the outer joint housing from the wheel hub.
We clean the holder and the mating surface of the gearbox housing from dirt so that when removing the drive, dirt does not get inside the gearbox gears.
Using a 13 mm socket, unscrew the three bolts securing the inner hinge boot holder to the gearbox housing.
Remove the left wheel drive.
When installing the drive, carefully insert the three-spike rollers into the grooves of the inner joint housing and attach the joint boot holder to the gearbox housing.
Further install the drive in the reverse order.
During installation, do not apply force to the drive along its axis, directed in the direction opposite to the gearbox, since this may cause the three-spike rollers to come out of the grooves of the inner joint housing and damage the needle bearings of the rollers.
At the slightest suspicion of the three-spike coming out of the grooves of the inner joint, it is necessary to unscrew the bolts of the inner joint boot holder and, having made sure that the needle bearings of the rollers are in good condition, repeat the installation of the drive.
After installing the left wheel drive, fill the gearbox with oil.
When removing the right wheel drive, do not drain the oil from the gearbox.
After unscrewing the hub bearing mounting nut and disconnecting the ball joint from the steering knuckle, remove the splined tailpiece of the outer joint housing of the drive from the wheel hub, as shown above.
Move the tip of the inner joint housing of the right wheel drive from the splined shaft of the differential axle gear
Remove the right wheel drive.
Install the right wheel drive in the reverse order.
Connection torques when installing the drives:
Bolt for fastening the inner joint boot holder of the left wheel drive to the JH3 gearbox housing = 25 Nm;
Drain plug = 20 Nm;
Nut of the clamping bolt of the steering knuckle and ball joint pin = 62 Nm;
Nut of the front wheel hub bearing = 280;
Wheel mounting bolt = 105.