According to the maintenance schedule, the accessory drive belt on a vehicle equipped only with power steering is replaced
every 60,000 km or 4 years (whichever comes first), regardless of its condition; on other vehicles, every 120,000 km or 6 years.

We perform the work on an inspection pit or overpass.
Depending on the vehicle configuration, there are two options for auxiliary unit drive schemes (with and without air conditioning).
Let's consider the scheme with air conditioning.
The belt tension is adjusted by an automatic tensioner.
To replace the belt, remove the right mudguard of the engine compartment.
To loosen the belt tension, from underneath the vehicle, put a 15 mm open-end wrench or head on the tension roller mounting bolt.
Turn the roller bracket clockwise, overcoming the resistance of the tensioner spring
Remove the belt from the support roller
Remove the auxiliary drive belt from the pulleys.
Marking of the auxiliary drive belt with air conditioning is 6 РК 1822 (six-V, 1822 mm long).
When replacing the belt, you must also replace the support and tension rollers.
To replace the support roller, use a 13 mm open-end wrench to loosen its mounting bolt
Remove the roller cap
Remove the support roller
Remove the inner roller cover. Also remove the tension roller
If it is necessary to replace the tensioner with a 10 head, unscrew the two bolts
Removing the tensioner assembly with the roller

Install the parts in the reverse order.
When installing the belt, place it on the pulleys and insert it under the tension and support rollers in accordance with the diagram.