Kamaz car

Cylinder head gaskets are replaced when coolant and oil leaks appear at the junction of the cylinder head with the cylinder block.

The scope of maintenance includes control and diagnostic, fastening, lubrication, adjustment, electrical and assembly-disassembly work related to the testing and adjustment of individual units and assemblies on special stands and equipment

The pre-heater is designed to warm up a cold engine and automatically maintain the thermal state of the engine and cabin, regardless of the operation of the diesel engine

Adjusting the tension of the generator drive belts and water pump of the YaMZ-236M2, YaMZ-238M2 engines
Tools and accessories will be required: a 13 and 17 wrench, a mounting blade and a device for checking the tension of drive belts, a 17 socket wrench

Crank mechanism of KAMAZ engines 740.11-240, 740.13-260, 740.14-300, 740.11-3902007 RE:
The crankshaft is made of high-quality steel and has five main and four connecting rod journals, hardened by high-frequency current, which are connected to each other by cheeks and mated with them by transition fillets