car GAZ-2705
Checking the GAZ-2705 switch
Transistor switch type 131.3734 or 90.3734 is installed on the car on the left mudguard behind the battery
Adjusting the bearing clearance of the rear hub of the GAZ-2705
To adjust the bearings you need:
In accordance with routine work on the suspension during its maintenance, it is necessary to periodically tighten the nuts of the stepladders, the nuts of the bolts of the rubber-metal hinges, the fastening parts of the spring brackets and shock absorbers
The cylinder block and head do not require maintenance, except for cleaning dust and dirt and tightening threaded connections
The pressure regulator is attached to the left frame side member
It adjusts the brake fluid pressure in the brake circuit of the rear wheels, depending on the vehicle load, which increases directional stability when braking