We remove the coolant pump housing when repairing the engine (see Disassembling and assembling the engine)

Usually, as a result of operation before engine overhaul, a malfunction of the coolant pump may result from wear of the bearing and oil seal.

Therefore, only the pump cover can be replaced.

Drain the coolant (see Replacing the coolant).

It is more difficult to dismantle the pump on a carburetor engine, so all operations are shown on it.

Remove the fan casing (see Removing the fan casing of a carburetor engine).

Remove the coolant pump drive belt (see Adjusting the tension and replacing the coolant pump drive belt).

How to replace the coolant pump cover

Using a 13mm socket, unscrew the three bolts securing the impeller and coolant pump pulley.

How to replace the coolant pump cover

Remove the washer

How to replace the coolant pump cover

Remove the fan impeller

How to replace the coolant pump cover

Remove the pulley.

How to replace the coolant pump cover

Disconnect the generator mount to the tension bar.

Using a 17mm socket, unscrew the nut securing the tension bar to the coolant pump cover.

How to replace the coolant pump cover

Remove the tension bar.

How to replace the coolant pump cover

Using a 13mm socket, unscrew the four nuts securing the bracket and coolant pump cover

How to replace the coolant pump cover

How to replace the coolant pump cover

Remove the bracket and coolant pump cover.

How to replace the coolant pump cover

The joint between the cover and the coolant pump housing is sealed with a gasket.

We install the coolant pump cover in the reverse order.

How to replace the coolant pump cover

How to replace the coolant pump cover

To facilitate installation of the pulley, impeller and washer, we screw an M8 pin about 40 mm long into the pulley hub.

We put all the parts on the stud and the protrusion of the pulley hub, attach two bolts and replace the stud with a bolt