When the master cylinder piston jams (due to corrosion, breakage of the return springs), incomplete release of all wheels may occur
A defect such as a "failure" of the brake pedal may also occur
Overhauling the master cylinder often does not lead to the desired results, so it is recommended to replace the master cylinder as an assembly.
Replacing the brake master cylinder

You will need a key to unscrew the brakes for work brake pipes, a 10, 13 key and screwdrivers.
Removing the engine compartment soundproofing and windshield frame trims (article - Removing and installing windshield trims Lada Priora)
Pump out the brake fluid from the cylinder reservoir with a rubber bulb or syringe
Unscrew the two nuts using a special key for fastening the brake pipes to the brake master cylinder
Disconnect the brake pipes and move them to the side
Block the holes in the pipes using the plugs from the bleeder cylinders
If necessary, remove the reservoir from the master cylinder
Using a 13 key, unscrew the two nuts securing the cylinder to the vacuum housing amplifier
And remove the cylinder

We install the brake master cylinder in the reverse order.
Pay attention to the rubber sealing ring, if it has become unusable, it must be replaced
After installing all the parts, bleed the brake hydraulic drive (described in the article - Replacing the brake fluid Lada Priora)