We remove the clutch discs when they are worn out and when replacing the rear crankshaft seal and flywheel, as well as when repairing the engine

The clutch discs can be removed without completely removing the gearbox, but only by unscrewing it and moving it away, securing it in the process. In this article, we will consider removing the discs and clutch components with the gearbox removed.

Preparing the car for repair.

Install the car on a lift or inspection pit.

Disconnect the negative battery terminal and remove the gearbox, as indicated in the article - "Removing and installing the JH3 gearbox".

If the clutch basket is not going to be changed, then you need to mark the relative positions of the flywheel and basket in order to install the basket in place.

How to replace the clutch of a Lada Largus with a JH3 gearbox

Using a 11 mm socket, unscrew the six clutch basket mounting bolts one by one (Fig. 1).

First, tap the bolts with a soft metal punch.

First, unscrew each bolt one turn to avoid deforming the basket body.

How to replace the clutch of a Lada Largus with a JH3 gearbox

When unscrewing the last bolt, hold the clutch basket (Fig. 2), so as not to drop the driven disk.

For insurance, you can insert a mandrel for centering the disk.

We take out the basket together with the disk.

How to replace the clutch of a Lada Largus with a JH3 gearbox

We inspect and inspect the flywheel for cracks and wear (Fig. 3).

We pay attention to the wear of the flywheel ring teeth.

How to replace the clutch of a Lada Largus with a JH3 gearbox

When installing, the driven disk must be oriented with the protruding part toward the driving disk, as shown in the figure (Fig. 4).

How to replace the clutch of a Lada Largus with a JH3 gearbox

We orient the driven disk together with the basket using a centering mandrel (Fig. 5).

Insert the mandrel into the primary shaft bearing.

How to replace the clutch of a Lada Largus with a JH3 gearbox

Holding the basket with one hand, we bait the six bolts of the basket fastening (Fig. 6).

Tighten the bolts crosswise with a torque of 20 Nm.

When tightening the bolts, you also need to tighten them evenly so as not to deform the basket body.

How to replace the clutch of a Lada Largus car with a JH3 gearbox

Remove the release bearing (Fig. 7), inspect it for defects.

Of course, based on experience, it is necessary to replace the clutch assembly completely when the driven or leading disk wears out.

How to replace the clutch of a Lada Largus with a JH3 gearbox

After removing the fork, we also inspect it for defects (Fig. 8).

How to replace the clutch of a Lada Largus with a JH3 gearbox

Degrease the surface of the guide sleeve and inspect the sleeve (Fig. 9).

The bearing is of a sealed type and is not lubricated. The bushing should not be lubricated either, as the grease may later get on the clutch discs.

We install the parts in place and assemble in the reverse order.

Tightening torques of the main clutch parts

The bolt and nut are fastened clutch housing torque – 44 Nm

Clutch housing to flywheel mounting bolt – 20 Nm

Gearbox mounting torques are discussed in the article on gearbox removal.

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