During operation, especially when transporting heavy loads, the beam can become deformed
If the beam is bent, the camber angles of the rear wheels will be incorrect. This will cause the wheel tread to wear out quickly and reduce the vehicle's stability.
To remove the beam, place the vehicle on an inspection ditch or lift.
Remove the brake pads of the rear wheels.

Disconnect the parking brake cables from the rear suspension beam.
Disconnect the rear brake hoses from the brake pipes located on the beam.
If the car has ABS, disconnect the wheel speed sensors from the brake shields.
Place an adjustable stop under the beam.
Disconnect the lower shock absorber mounts from the beam arms and remove both rear suspension springs
Using an 18 mm open-end wrench, unscrew the nut of the bolt securing the left arm of the beam to the bracket, holding the bolt with a wrench of the same size (see - How to replace the silent blocks of the Lada Largus beam).
Remove the bolt from the holes in the bracket and silent block or knock it out with a punch made of soft metal.
After unscrewing the nut of the bolt securing the right arm to the bracket, the bolt cannot be removed because it rests against the fuel tank.
Using a 16 mm socket with an extension, unscrew the three bolts securing the right arm bracket to the body.
Remove the left arm of the beam from the bracket eye
Lower the beam on an adjustable stop, holding it on both sides.
Remove the right arm bracket, rear wheel brake shields, brake pipes and trunnions from the beam wheels.
We install the rear suspension beam in the reverse order.
Finally tighten the nuts of the bolts securing the arms to the brackets when the car is on the wheels.
Tightening torques for fasteners when installing the rear suspension beam:
- - Nut of the bolt securing the rear suspension arm to the body bracket 125 Nm
- - Bolt of the suspension arm bracket 62 Nm
- - Nut of the rear wheel hub bearing 175 Nm
- - Screw securing the rear wheel journal to the flange of the rear suspension beam 80 Nm
- - Bolt of the lower shock absorber mount 105 Nm
- - Nut of the upper shock absorber mount 14 Nm