Body check points are needed for defect detection and adjustment of car body parts

To correct the geometry of the body, use special rulers and tape measures, using geometric dimensions, special tools and stands.

Inspecting a car after an accident, the presence of “hidden” deformations in the power elements of the body can be determined:

  • - by the presence of distortions in the front parts; the magnitude of protrusions of one part relative to another;
  • - for violations of gaps in the interfaces of openings with doors, hood, trunk lid.

Linear dimensions of the Lada Granta body

Damage to the body of a passenger car usually leads to the appearance of various distortions, which manifest themselves in violation of the geometric parameters of openings (doors, hood, trunk lid), side members, and interior frame beyond the permissible limit.

Depending on the complexity of the damage, body distortions are classified into 5 types.

The skew of the opening includes violations of the geometric parameters of various body openings beyond the permissible size.

Various combinations of distortions in the side door, windshield or rear frame windows are classified as this type of damage.

Minor complexity body distortion involves damage that violates the geometric parameters of the hood or trunk lid (tailgate) openings beyond the permissible size without violating the geometry of the body base, door and window openings, with the exception of door gaps with the front or rear wings.

Moderate body distortion includes simultaneous violation of the geometric parameters of the openings of the hood and trunk lid (tailgate) or damage to the body with violation of the geometric parameters of the front or rear side members beyond the permissible dimensions without violating the geometry of the interior frame.

For front-wheel drive vehicles, only the distortions of the rear side members are taken into account.

Highly complex body distortion involves simultaneous violation of the geometric parameters of the front and rear side members or damage to the body with violation of the geometric parameters of the front and rear side members and the interior frame, or only the front side members for front-wheel drive vehicles - in excess of the permissible size.

Body distortion of particular complexity includes damage with violation of the geometric parameters of the front and rear side members and the interior frame beyond the permissible dimensions.

Elimination of body distortions is carried out by restoring damaged elements of openings, side members, and frames using straightening, stretching, shrinkage and straightening until they are given their original geometric parameters.

Below are the geometric dimensions, relative to the control points, of the Lada Granta car.

Linear dimensions of the Lada Granta body

Figure 2 shows the geometric dimensions of the engine compartment of the Lada Granta.

Linear dimensions of the Lada Granta body

Figure 3 shows the dimensions of a car windshield.

Linear dimensions of the Lada Granta body

Figure 4 shows the dimensions of the rear window of a Lada Granta

Linear dimensions of the Lada Granta body

In Figure 5, the dimensions between the measurement points of the luggage compartment of the Lada Granta car body

Linear dimensions of the Lada Granta body

In Figure 6, the geometric dimensions between the points of the lower parts of the Lada Granta car


The design of the ZIL-131 power system

The engine power supply system is forced, with fuel supply by a diaphragm-type fuel pump

Cabin without doors ZIL-5301

ZIL-5301 doorless cabin (catalog)

The figure shows the installation locations of the parts and their designations according to the spare parts catalog.

Look at the figure and the table shows the decoding of the part.

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