The light signaling system (Fig. 1) is designed to notify drivers of other vehicles about making a turn (reversal) or braking, as well as to signal the state of vehicle assembly units that affect traffic safety

The light signaling system includes: emergency light signaling, brake signaling, direction indicators and control lamps for turning on the direction indicators of the car and trailer, control lamps for locking the center differential, the parking brake system, air pressure drops in the circuits of the pneumatic drive of the brake mechanisms, combined into blocks control lamps, as well as the corresponding switches, switches and relays.

The hazard warning light switch 8 provides simultaneous switching on of all direction indicators in intermittent mode.

At the same time, the control lamp mounted in the switch handle lights up; indicator lamps in the control lamp unit may not light.

The direction indicators are switched on by the combined switch 5 in the operating position of the instrument and starter switch.

Contact-transistor relay-breaker 3 provides intermittent operation of the direction indicators of the car and trailer; the operation of the pointers is signaled by lamps (separately for the car and trailer) in the block of 26 control lamps.

The brake signal in the rear lights turns on when the vehicle's brake systems are activated.

At the same time, the contacts of the pneumoelectric sensor 13 for turning on the brake signal are closed, the intermediate relay 15 of the brake signal is activated, and the brake signal lamps of the rear lights are on.

The brake signal circuits are connected to the power supply circuit through an ammeter, bypassing the instrument and starter switch.

The brake light also comes on when the parking brake is applied.

At the same time, the contacts of sensor 20, installed in circuit III of the pneumatic drive of the brake mechanisms, are closed, and the control lamp lights up.

A relay-breaker 21 is installed in the power supply circuit of the parking brake system control lamp, as a result of which the lamp lights up with intermittent light.

At the same time, the brake signal lamp circuits of the rear lights are closed through the intermediate relay.

Fig. 2. Functional diagram of external light signaling and wheel blocking. Applies to all KamAZ vehicles

Fig. 3. Functional diagram of the light and sound signaling of the brake system. Applies to all KamAZ vehicles


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