Replace the spring if it has mechanical damage or significant subsidence
Signs of subsidence:
- - deterioration in ride smoothness, frequent suspension breakdowns;
- - visible skew of the front of the car or a significant difference in the height of the front and rear parts that appeared during operation;
- - pronounced traces of impact of spring coils.
Only one class of springs are installed on the suspension (class "A" - without marking, class "B" - with black marking on the outer surface of the coils).
It is permissible to install class "A" springs on the front suspension if class "B" springs are installed on the rear suspension.
We hang up the front of the car and remove wheel.
We hang up the front part of the car and remove the wheel.
We disconnect the lower shock absorber mount from the spring cup (see Removing the shock absorber) and the stabilizer bar cushion clip.
We unscrew the lower arm axle nut a few turns (see Removing the lower arm).
Put a stop under the lower arm and disconnect the ball joint from it (see Removing the lower ball joint).
Reduce the height of the adjustable stop or, if the stop is rigid, lift the car.
Lower the arm and remove the lower coil of the spring from behind the protrusion of the cup.
Remove the spring with the upper support cup and insulating gasket.
Remove the support cup and insulating gasket from the upper coil of the spring.
Remove the plastic insulating gasket from the ledge of the lower support cup.
To remove the lower support cup of the spring, use a 17 mm head to unscrew the nut of the cup mounting bolt, holding the bolt from turning with a wrench of the same size.
Remove the bolt
Unscrew and remove three more bolts securing the cup.
Remove the lower support cup of the spring.
Check the condition of the insulating gaskets and replace them if damaged.
Reinstall the removed parts in the reverse order.
Checking the elasticity of the spring
Having compressed the spring three times to contact of the turns, check its elastic characteristics at the control points

Finally tighten the nuts of the lower arm axle and the lower shock absorber mounting bolt in the "car on wheels" position.