The chain tensioner is located inside the front part of the cylinder head and is attached to it

Remove the cylinder head cover (see Replacing the cylinder head cover gasket).

Remove the sprocket with the chain from the camshaft nose for this:

How to remove the chain tensioner of the camshaft drive VAZ-21214

Use a chisel to bend back the edge of the lock washer of the camshaft sprocket mounting bolt (for clarity, the hoses of the outlet pipe of the cooling jacket are disconnected).

How to remove the chain tensioner of the camshaft drive VAZ-21214

Using a 17 mm open-end wrench, unscrew the camshaft sprocket mounting bolt.

How to remove the chain tensioner of the camshaft drive VAZ-21214

Remove the bolt together with the washers.

To loosen the chain tension, unscrew the nuts securing the hydraulic tensioner to the cylinder head (see. Removing the hydraulic tensioner of the camshaft drive chain and its pipeline on an injection engine).

In this case, do not disconnect the tensioner hydraulic drive tube.

How to remove the tensioner of the camshaft drive chain VAZ-21214

To prevent the chain from jumping, tie it to the sprocket and remove the sprocket with the chain from the camshaft

How to remove the timing chain tensioner VAZ-21214

Using a 10 mm open-end wrench, unscrew the two bolts (of the same length) securing the timing chain tensioner to the cylinder head

How to remove the VAZ-21214 camshaft drive chain tensioner

The bolt has a cylindrical shank for centering in the tensioner hole

How to remove the VAZ-21214 camshaft drive chain tensioner

Remove the tensioner

Install the tensioner in the reverse order


Clutch master cylinder reservoir ZIL-5301 and its installation

The figure shows the installation locations of the parts and their designations according to the spare parts catalog.

We look at the figure and the table shows the decoding of the part.

How to change oil and filter VAZ-21213, 21214

Change the oil on a fully warmed-up engine

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