Usually the gearbox is removed for its replacement, repair, or replacement or repair of the rear axle beam

First of all, we hang up the rear axle.

Drain the oil from the rear axle housing (see the article - Changing the oil in the rear axle gearbox).

Remove or disengage both half-shafts (see the article - Removing and repairing the half-shaft).

Disconnect the propeller shaft from the flange of the rear axle gearbox (see the article - Removing the propeller shafts).

How to remove the rear axle gearbox of a VAZ-2121 car

Using a 12 mm head, unscrew the eight bolts securing the gearbox to the beam

How to remove the rear axle gearbox of a VAZ-2121 car

Remove the gearbox and the sealing gasket

Install all parts in the reverse order.

Install a new gasket. Sealant must be applied to the threads of the bolts that secure the gearbox to the beam.

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