The durability of a repaired engine largely depends on its running-in on a stand and the operating mode of the car during the first 1000 km

It is recommended to run the engine in the following mode on the stand:

Cold running at a crankshaft speed of 1200–1500 min -1 for 15 minutes.

Hot running at idle:

  • - at 1000 min -1 – 1 hour, at 1500 min -1 – 1 hour,
  • - at 2000 min -1 – 30 minutes,
  • - at 2500 min -1 – 15 minutes.

Maintain oil pressure not lower than 2.5 kgf/cm 2, and its temperature at the engine inlet - not less than 50 °C.

The water temperature at the engine outlet should be 70–85°C, and at the inlet – at least 50°C.

Then adjust and check the engine at speeds up to 3000 rpm -1.

To improve the running-in of parts of an engine run in on a stand and then installed on a car, do not exceed the following speeds during the first 1000 km:

  • - in fourth (direct) gear – 45–50 km/h,
  • - in third gear – 30 km/h,
  • - on the second – 20 km/h
  • - and on the first – 12 km/h.

Do not overload the car and do not allow driving on bad roads (mud, sand, steep slopes).

Before starting, warm up the engine until it runs smoothly without enriching the working mixture.

After driving the first 500 km, change the oil.

If there is no stand, run the engine in the car during the first 1000 km, as indicated above.

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