It is recommended to change the gearbox oil after 60 thousand kilometers of the vehicle, and check the level every 20 thousand km

1.2 liters of gear oil is poured into the gearbox.

You need to fill in transmission oil SAE75W-85 or 75W-90.

For this work you will need a 12mm hex wrench, a container for draining the oil, and a syringe - supercharger.

Drain the gearbox oil immediately after the trip, before it cools down.

We install the car on a lift or inspection ditch.

Changing the oil in the gearbox of the GAZ-2705 car

Cleaning the breather from contaminants

Changing the oil in the gearbox of the GAZ-2705

Use a 12mm hex wrench to unscrew the drain plug

Changing the oil in the gearbox of a GAZ-2705

Drain the oil into a wide container with a capacity of at least two liters.

Changing the oil in the gearbox of the GAZ-2705 car

If the used oil is dark in color or there are visible metal particles in it, wash the gearbox by installing the drain plug in place, clearing its magnet of steel shavings

Changing the oil in the gearbox of the GAZ-2705 car

Use a 12mm hex wrench to unscrew the filler plug on the side of the crankcase.

Changing the oil in the gearbox of a GAZ-2705

Using an oil syringe, pour approximately one liter of a mixture of transmission or motor oil with 20–30% kerosene or diesel fuel into the box and replace the filler plug

Putting stops under the front wheels, hang up the rear wheel or axle as a whole.

Having engaged first gear, start the engine for 2-3 minutes.

Having installed the car on the wheels, completely drain the flushing oil (draining time is at least 5 minutes).

Having cleaned the drain plug again, screw it back into place with a key.

After unscrewing the filler plug, use an oil syringe to fill the gearbox with fresh transmission oil (1.2 l).

Screw the filler plug back into place.

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