The frequency of oil changes is 60 thousand km

It is recommended to drain the oil immediately after the trip

Changing the oil in the GAZ-2705 gearbox

Before draining the oil, it is necessary to clean the breather from contamination.

Place a container under the gearbox oil drain hole.

Changing the oil in the GAZ-2705 gearbox

Unscrew the oil drain plug 1 and drain the oil.

Tighten the oil drain plug 1 and unscrew the oil filler plug 2.

If the drained oil is heavily contaminated or contains mechanical impurities, you must do the following:

  • - pour 0.9 liters of flushing oil into the crankcase and install the oil filler plug in place;
  • - hang up one or both wheels, engage first gear and start the engine for 2-3 minutes;
  • - drain the flushing oil;
  • - wipe the oil drain plug and replace it.

Fill the gearbox housing with fresh oil using a syringe.

Fill up to the level of the oil filler hole (1.2 liters).

Install the oil filler plug in place.

Super T-3 oil is used to lubricate gearbox parts.

Backup oils: TS-15K, Devon Super T, Lukoil TM-5 SAE 75W-90, 85W-90

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