Controls and control devices for diesel operation

Diesel control is remote, from the driver's seat. The installation of instruments and controls of the diesel engine is carried out by the consumer when installing the diesel engine on the vehicle

The crankshaft speed is changed using the pedal, the movement signal of which forms a pedal position sensor for the electronic unit of the COMMON RAIL power system.

The inclusion of glow plugs, the electronic unit of the COMMON RAIL power system and the starter when starting the diesel engine is carried out by a three-position ignition switch.

When the ignition key is turned to position I, the glow plug circuit and the COMMON RAIL power supply system electronic unit are turned on; when the ignition key is turned to position II, the starter circuit is turned on.

Glow plugs are controlled by an independent control unit independent of the COMMON RAIL control unit.

The oil pressure alarm sensor is installed in the full flow oil filter housing.

An emergency coolant temperature sensor is installed in the thermostat cover.

The degree of clogging of the air cleaner is controlled by an air filter clogging indicator sensor, designed to turn on a signal lamp when the air filter is clogged above the allowable limit.

The air cleaner clogging indicator sensor is installed in the diesel intake duct on the air cleaner outlet pipe.

The speed of the diesel crankshaft is controlled by a tachometer. The signal to the tachometer comes from the alternator AC terminal.

There is a diagnostic lamp and a diagnostic key on the instrument panel.

Devices for monitoring the operation of a diesel engine are located on the instrument panel.

Diesel start

Put the vehicle's gear lever in neutral.

Turn on the battery switch.

Turn on the control unit for glow plugs and the electronic unit of the COMMON RAIL power system by turning the ignition key to position I, while the glow plugs are turned on for heating.

Before starting the diesel engine, make sure that the diagnostic lamp flashes after turning on the ignition and goes out after no more than 15 seconds.

The warm-up time of the glow plugs is maintained depending on the temperature of the diesel engine, or it can be fixed depending on the type of glow plug control unit used.

When turned on, the light on the instrument panel lights up, signaling that the glow plugs are warming up. The lamp goes out at the command of the control unit after the candles are fully heated.

After the light goes out, turn off the clutch of the vehicle by turning the ignition key to position II, turn on the starter and start the diesel engine. Candles in start mode remain on for 180-240 seconds.

After starting the diesel engine, the diagnostic lamp should not light up or flash. If the lamp glows or flashes, it is necessary to diagnose the diesel control system.

Slowly engage the clutch.

Warm up the diesel until stable operation at crankshaft speed of 700-800 minutes (for 2-3 minutes), and then let it run at high speed, gradually increasing speed to 1600 minutes until the coolant temperature reaches 40º C.

Further heating of the diesel engine until the coolant temperature reaches 70º C ensure when the vehicle is moving in low gear.

Diesel can be used at full capacity only when the coolant temperature reaches 70º C.

When the diesel engine is warm, as well as in summer, the diesel engine can be started without first turning on the glow plugs by turning the ignition key directly to position II, without delaying it in position I.

The duration of continuous operation of the starter should not exceed 15 s.

If the diesel does not start, restart after 30...40 s.

If the diesel does not start after three attempts, find the problem and fix it.

To make it easier to start a cold diesel engine during the cold season (when the air temperature is below minus 25 ° C), do the following:

  • - prime the fuel supply system with a manual priming pump to remove air from the system;
  • - warm up the diesel engine with the coolant preheater;
  • - start the diesel by performing the operations described above.

When starting a cold diesel engine, white smoke may come out of the exhaust pipe for some time, which is not a malfunction, since the diesel engine operates with subcooling.

Do not heat the intake air in front of the air cleaner with an open flame.

Do not start a diesel engine by towing a vehicle.

Diesel stop

Before stopping the diesel engine, let it run for 3-5 minutes. start at medium and then at minimum idle speed to reduce the temperature of the coolant and oil.

Failure to follow these instructions will result in failure of the turbocharger.

Set the minimum idle speed and stop the diesel engine by turning the ignition key to the zero position.

Disconnection of the vehicle ground or positive battery cable is allowed after at least 1 min. after turning off the ignition and stopping the diesel engine.

After stopping the diesel engine, turn off the battery switch.

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