We carry out the work on an inspection pit or lift. We hang up and remove the front wheels

We remove the mudguards and the protective plate of the engine oil pan.

We remove the upper and lower suspension arms.

We remove the steering knuckles complete with upper and lower ball joints, wheel hubs, and front brakes.

We unscrew the nuts securing the rubber-metal mounts of the powertrain suspension from the crossmember brackets.

How to replace the front suspension crossmember of a car VAZ-2121

Installing a support under the front axle gearbox housing

How to replace the front suspension cross member of a VAZ-2121

Installing a support under the generator bracket.

How to replace the front suspension cross member of the VAZ-2121 car

Using a 19 mm open-end wrench, unscrew the two nuts of the bolts securing the right rebound buffer bracket to the cross member.

How to replace the front suspension cross member of the VAZ-2121 car

Hold the bolts from turning with a head of the same size.

How to replace the front suspension cross member of a VAZ-2121 car

We take out the bolts.

How to replace the front suspension cross member of a VAZ-2121 car

With the head "on 17" unscrew the nut securing the rebound buffer bracket to the upper spring support

How to replace the front suspension cross member of a VAZ-2121 car

Remove the bracket

How to replace the front suspension cross member of a VAZ-2121 car VAZ-2121

Similarly, remove the left rebound buffer bracket, only take out the bracket mounting bolts towards the engine compartment

How to replace the front suspension cross member of a VAZ-2121 car

Using a 19 mm open-end wrench, unscrew the two nuts securing the cross member to the right side member and the two nuts securing it to the left side member.

How to replace the front suspension cross member of a VAZ-2121 car

Removing the cross member.

How to replace the front suspension cross member of a VAZ-2121 car

The nuts of the bolts securing the upper spring support to the crossmember are secured with welding.

If it is necessary to separate the crossmember and the upper spring support, cut off the nuts.

How to replace the front suspension crossmember of a VAZ-2121 car

We measure the distance between the outer surfaces of the upper arm mounting brackets.

For a serviceable crossmember, this distance is 736±1.5 mm

If the cross member is significantly deformed, when it is impossible to adjust the front wheel alignment angles with washers while all other suspension elements are in satisfactory condition, replace the cross member.


Fuel rail VAZ-21126 removal and installation

The fuel rail is removed to replace injectors and repair the cylinder head, as well as when replacing the rail itself

Air compressor

ZIL-5301 compressor

The figure shows the installation locations of the parts and their designations according to the spare parts catalog

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