If during bridge diagnostics we find that the radial clearance in the inner joint housing bearings exceeds 0.05 mm, then the bearing must be replaced
You will need: a hammer, a punch, a snap ring plier, and a sealant.
Remove the front wheel drive (see "Replacing the front wheel drives of the Niva Chevrolet").
Remove the snap ring bearing.
Removing the spring washer
Using a hammer and a wooden spacer, knock off and remove the housing and bearing from the shaft.
Using a hammer and punch, remove the seal.
Lubricate the working edge of the seal with transmission oil, and apply a thin layer of sealant to the outer surface
When Using a hammer, carefully press the seal into the housing
The seals of the inner hinge housings of the left and right drives are the same size
The seals have different oil-scraping notches
Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.