Set the wheels to the straight-ahead position of the car.

Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery.

Remove the steering wheel (article - Removing the steering wheel of the Lada Priora)

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

Turn the three fuse box cover locks counterclockwise by 90°, releasing its lower part

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

Removing the fuse box cover

Removing the steering column switches

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

Unscrew the four screws securing the instrument panel

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

Removing the amplifier

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

Disconnect the wiring block from the steering column switch connector

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

Press the lock

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

Disconnecting the immobilizer reading coil wire blocks

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

Disconnecting the immobilizer reading coil wire blocks

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

Press the lock

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

And disconnect the wiring block from the connector of the electromechanical power steering control unit

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

Also disconnect the second block of wires from the control unit

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

Unscrew the nut of the clamping bolt of the universal joint of the electromechanical amplifier from the side of the cardan shaft of the steering gear and remove the bolt

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

Unscrew the two upper nuts securing the electromechanical amplifier to the body, unscrew the two lower nuts by 3-4 turns

Removing and installing a steering column with electric power steering

And we remove the electromechanical amplifier from the car

Removing and installing a steering column with electric power steering

This is what the steering shaft assembly looks like after being removed from the car

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

Loosen the clamp of the steering column switch connector

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

And remove the connector

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power

Unscrew the screw securing the protective cover

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power

Removing casing

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

Press the lock

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

And disconnect wiring harness connector from the electromechanical power steering control unit

Removing and installing the electric power steering column

Also disconnect the second wiring harness connector from the control unit

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

Unscrew the two screws securing the control unit to the electromechanical power steering bracket

Removing and installing a steering column with electric power steering

Removing the control unit

This is what the electromechanical power steering control unit looks like

We install the electromechanical booster in the reverse order.

Removing and installing the steering column with electric power steering

If the steering wheel does not lock well in the specified position when adjusting the height, you need to tighten the locking stud nut.

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

Unscrew the nut

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

Remove the bolt of the clamp that holds the upper and lower hinges

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

Marking the position of the cardan joint on the shaft of the electromechanical amplifier

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

Unscrew the universal joint clamp bolt nut and remove the bolt from the clamp

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

Removing the cardan shaft from the joint

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

Moving the joint off the splined shaft of the electromechanical booster

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

Marking the positions of the cardan shaft on the drive gear

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

Unscrew the nut

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

And remove the bolt from the mounting clamp

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

We spread the clamp with a screwdriver

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

And we remove the cardan shaft from steering gear drive pinion

Removing and installing the steering cardan shaft

This is what cardan joint 1 and cardan shaft 2 with the joint look like.

We install the cardan shaft in the reverse order.