To make sure that the voltage regulator is working properly, turn off all consumers except the high beam headlights and measure the voltage at the battery terminals

It should be in the range of 14.4 - 15.1 V, at an engine speed of 3000 min -1.

If the voltage differs from the specified one, the regulator must be replaced.

You can remove the brush holder with the regulator without removing the generator from the car.

Checking and replacing the voltage regulator

Disconnect the wire terminal from the negative terminal of the battery.

Disconnect the wiring harness block from the generator.

Checking and replacing the voltage regulator

Remove the protective rubber cover and use a 13 mm socket wrench to unscrew the nut securing the wire lugs to terminal “B+” of the generator.

Checking and replacing the voltage regulator

Checking and replacing the voltage regulator

Remove the ends of the two wires from the contact bolt.

Checking and replacing the voltage regulator

Release the three spring clamps securing the casing of the rectifier unit (shown on the removed generator) and remove the casing from the generator.

Checking and replacing the voltage regulator

Disconnect the voltage regulator wire block from the output of the rectifier unit

Checking and replacing the voltage regulator

Use an 8 mm socket wrench to unscrew the two bolts securing the voltage regulator

Checking and replacing the voltage regulator

Use a 12 mm open-end wrench to unscrew the contact bolt nut

Checking and replacing the voltage regulator

Disconnect the lead from the contact bolt and remove the voltage regulator

Install the voltage regulator in the reverse order of removal.

Before installing a voltage regulator that is in operation, inspect the brushes and make sure they are mobile.

If the brushes are broken or badly worn (protrude no more than 5 mm from the brush holder), or they are wedged in the brush holder, the regulator must be replaced.


Sound signals of the MAZ car

Cars are equipped with two sound signals: pneumatic, mounted on the cab roof, and electric, consisting of two signals: low and high tone

How to Replace K4M Powertrain Mounts

We remove and replace the supports if they are defective or when repairing the power unit

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