Remove the cylinder head cover (see How to replace the cylinder head cover gasket of a VAZ-21213, VAZ-21214 car)
Turning the crankshaft clockwise, we set the camshaft to the position when the mark on the sprocket (the hole on the housing side) of the camshaft should coincide with the protrusion on the bearing housing.
In this case, the mark on the pulley (drilling) of the crankshaft should coincide with the protrusion on the camshaft drive cover.
For clarity, in photos 1–4, parts have been removed from the engine.
Using a chisel, bend back the edge of the lock washer of the camshaft sprocket mounting bolt (for clarity, the hoses of the cooling jacket outlet pipe are disconnected).
Using a 17 mm open-end wrench, unscrew the camshaft sprocket mounting bolt shaft
Remove the bolt together with the washers.
To loosen the chain tension, unscrew the nuts securing the hydraulic tensioner to the cylinder head (see. Removing the hydraulic tensioner of the camshaft drive chain and its pipeline on an injection engine).
Do not disconnect the tensioner hydraulic drive tube.
To prevent the chain from jumping, tie it to the sprocket and remove the sprocket with the chain from the camshaft
Using a 13 mm socket, unscrew the middle nut securing the camshaft bearing housing and the frame for supplying oil to the hydraulic supports.
Remove the frame bushing from the stud and, turning, move the curved part of the frame away from the bearing housing.
Having unscrewed eight more nuts securing the camshaft bearing housing to the cylinder head, we remove the housing assembly with the camshaft from the studs.
We remove the valve drive lever.
Using a 10 mm open-end wrench, unscrew the two nuts securing the thrust flange of the distribution shaft to the bearing housing and remove the flange
Remove the camshaft from the bearing housing
Assembly is carried out in the reverse order.
Lubricate the bearing housing beds of the camshaft and the working surfaces of the valve drive levers with engine oil.

When installing the bearing housing, make sure that the mounting bushings (on the outermost fastening studs on the left side) enter the bearing housing sockets without skewing.
Tighten the bearing housing fastening nuts in the sequence shown in the figure.