Technical characteristics of the generator TG 12C209 f. "Valeo":
Maximum output current (at 14 V and 6000 min -1), A 120
Gear ratio engine-generator 2.4
Generator type TG 12C209 f. "Valeo" alternating current, three-phase, with a built-in rectifier unit and voltage regulator, right-hand rotation (from the drive side), designed to operate as a source of electrical energy in parallel with the battery in the electrical system of a car, designed for operation at an ambient temperature of - 40 to + 45˚C and humidity up to 90% at a temperature of + 27˚C.
Removing the generator
For cars of all configurations:
Place the car in the workplace, brake with the parking brake.
Turn off the ignition, raise the hood, disconnect the terminal of the "ground" wire from the battery.
Remove the right front wheel.
Raise the car to a height convenient for performing work.
Remove the right front fender shield.
Remove engine mudguard.

Attachment drive belt on vehicles with air conditioning: 1 - tension roller mounting nut; 2 - tension roller; 3 - alternator pulley; 4 - air conditioning compressor pulley; 5 - attachment drive belt; 6 - crankshaft damper; 7 - damper mounting bolt; 8 – washer
Remove belt 5, Fig. 1, drives attachments.
For vehicles with engine 21129 and air conditioning system:

Removing the air conditioning compressor: 1 - bolt; 2 - air conditioning compressor; 3 - bracket for mounted units
Unscrew three bolts 1, figure 2, fastening, remove compressor 2 of the air conditioning system without breaking the tightness of the system, and hang it on a technological hook (used: replaceable head 10, ratchet, technological hook).
For cars of all configurations:

Connecting the wire harnesses to the generator: 1 - nut; 2 - terminal of the wire harness to the generator; 3 - wire harness; 4 - clamp; 5 - generator
Remove the protective cap, unscrew the nut 1, figure 3, fastening and disconnect from the generator 5 terminal 2 of the wiring harness (use: replaceable head for 13, extension, ratchet).
Disconnect the block of the wiring harness 3 from the generator.

Generator fastening: 1 - bolt; 2 - generator; 3 – bracket for attachments
Using a 10 mm head, unscrew the four bolts 1, Fig. 4, of the mount and remove the generator 2.
Installing the generator
For vehicles of all configurations:
Install the generator 2, Fig. 4, on the bracket 3 of the attachments and secure with four bolts 1.
Tightening torque of the generator mounting bolts is 21-27 Nm (2.1-2.7 kgf.m) (used: replaceable head 10, ratchet, torque wrench).
Connect the connector of the harness 3, Fig. 3, of the wires to the generator.
Connect terminal 2 of the harness to the generator 5 and tighten the nut 1 of the mount.
Torque tightening torque of the terminal mounting nut 18-24 Nm (1.8-2.4 kgf.m) (replaceable head 13, extension, ratchet, torque wrench).
Put the protective cap on the terminal mounting nut.
For vehicles with engine 21129 and air conditioning system:
Install compressor 2, Figure 2, of the air conditioning system on the bracket of the auxiliary units and secure with three bolts 1.
Tightening torque of the compressor mounting bolts 21-27 Nm (2.1-2.7 kgf.m) (replaceable head 10, ratchet, torque wrench).
For vehicles of all configurations:
Install belt 5, Figure 1, of the auxiliary units drive.
Install the mudguard engine.
Install the right front fender shield.
Install the right front wheel.