We remove the cylinder head to replace the cylinder head gasket
Also for repairing the cylinder head itself and during major engine repairs.

Install the device (Figure 1) for locking the toothed pulleys of the Mot1490-01 camshafts.
Remove the plug (4) from the inlet camshaft phase adjuster pulley.
Unscrew the bolt (1) securing the inlet camshaft phase adjuster pulley.
Unscrew the nut (2) securing the exhaust camshaft toothed pulley.
Remove the device for locking the Mot1490-01 camshaft toothed pulleys.
Remove the inlet camshaft phase adjuster.
Remove the exhaust camshaft toothed pulley.

Remove the intake pipe (Fig. 2).

Remove the ignition coils. To do this, disconnect the wiring harness pads from coils 1 (Fig. 3).
Using an 8 mm socket, unscrew the 2 coil mounting bolts and remove them.
Remove the electromagnetic valve of the inlet camshaft phase regulator.
To do this, press the connector lock and remove the wiring harness connector from the phase regulator valve (Fig. 4).
Using a 10 mm socket, unscrew the bolt securing the phase regulator valve and remove it.

Remove the engine lifting eye (3), located on the camshaft drive side.
After unscrewing the nine mounting bolts (4), remove the oil separator cover (How to clean the crankcase ventilation system of the K4M engine).
There is no need to unscrew bolt 1, which serves as a stop for the eccentric cam follower.

Unscrew the twenty-four bolts (Fig. 7) securing the cylinder head cover.
Remove the cylinder head cover (see the article "Removing the cylinder head cover").
Remove the intake and exhaust camshafts (see article How to replace hydraulic valve lifters of the K4M engine).
Remove the valve levers
Removing the valve hydraulic tappets.
After removing the hydraulic tappets, they must be placed in a vertical position, in order, so that they can be installed in their original places during assembly.

Unscrew the cylinder head bolts in the reverse order of tightening (Fig. 11).
Remove the cylinder head and install it on wooden stands. Prepare it for disassembly.
Remove the cylinder head gasket.
Carefully clean the seating surfaces on the head and cylinder block from traces of the gasket.
Installing the cylinder head and repairing the head will be discussed in the next article.