Preparing the car for work. Install on a lift or in an inspection pit
Disconnect the negative terminal of the car battery.
Remove the engine protection.
Place a container for draining the coolant under the lower radiator hose.
Disconnect the hose and drain the coolant from the engine cooling system.
Remove the air intake silencer.

Unclamp the clamps with pliers and disconnect hoses 1, 2 and 4 (Figure 1) from the thermostat housing.
Disconnect the wiring harness block and unscrew the coolant temperature sensor with an 18 key.
Disconnect the hoses from the holder 3.

Using an 8 mm head, unscrew the nine bolts 1 (Figure 2), fasteners and remove the housing 2 of the thermostat
Installing the thermostat
Install a new thermostat housing gasket.
Install the housing 2 (Figure 2) of the thermostat.
Using an 8 mm head, install and tighten, without tightening, the bolts of the thermostat housing fastening.

Tighten in the order shown in Figure 3, with the required torque in two stages, nine bolts for fastening the thermostat housing.
Tightening torque for the thermostat mounting bolts:
- - Stage 1 - preliminary tightening 4 Nm (0.4 kgf.m);
- - Stage 2 - final tightening 12 Nm (1.2 kgf.m).
Install the coolant temperature sensor and tighten with an 18 key.
Connect the harness block to the temperature sensor.
Install new clamps and connect hoses 1, 2 and 4 (Figure 1) to the thermostat housing.
Connect the hoses 3.
Install the intake noise muffler.
Fill the system with coolant and install the engine crankcase protection.
Bleed the air from the cooling system and connect the negative battery terminal.