The vehicle is manufactured and designed for operation at ambient temperatures from plus 40 to minus 40°C, relative air humidity up to 80% at 20°C, air dustiness up to 0.1 g/m 3
More than 35 modifications are produced based on the ZIL-5301 vehicle.
Information on the main ones is given in the table.
Information on the main modifications of the ZIL-5301

ZIL-5301AO (5301-0000014) truck - with a flatbed platform and a 3650 mm base, designed for transporting goods on paved roads.

The ZIL-5301TO (5301-0000017) truck is a flatbed truck with a 4250 mm base, equipped with a four-door two-row cabin and designed to service repair and technological services.

The ZIL-5301VA (5301-0000020-06) - with a thermal body, equipped with an extended two-seater cabin with two berths, designed for the transportation of goods on roads with hard surfaces.
Automobile chassis 3il-5301BO (5301-0001014) - with a base of 3650 mm, designed for additional equipment with a special body or installation.

ZIL-5301GA (5301-0001017) chassis - with a 4250 mm base, equipped with a four-door double-row cabin and designed for additional equipment with a special body or installation.
AMO ZIL buses are designed to transport people on paved roads.
ZIL-325000 bus overall dimensions and layout
ZIL-5301OO (5301-0001020) chassis - with a 4250 mm base, equipped with an extended double cabin with two berths, designed for additional equipment with a special body or installation.

ZIL-5301EO (5301-0001015) chassis - with a 4250 mm base, designed for retrofitting with a special body or installation
ZIL-5301 vehicle markings
The vehicle markings are shown in Fig. 1.

The number plate is installed on the cab to the right of the driver.
The first line on the plate shows the full vehicle approval number.
The second entry includes the vehicle identification number, year of manufacture, and serial production number. Total of 14 characters.
On the vertical plane of the right frame side member and on the lower vertical flange of the right side in the cabin door opening, the identification number of the car, its year of manufacture and serial production number are duplicated.
The cabin marking is located on a non-removable plate located on the left side of the cabin in the door opening.

The diesel number is stamped on plate 1 (Fig. 2), installed on the right side of the cylinder block near the oil filter, a duplicate number is stamped directly on block 2 on the front end near the eye bolt.
If an engine of a different model is installed, the location of the plate is indicated in the engine manual.