It is easier to remove the rear axle on a lift

If it is not possible to install the car on a lift, carefully lift the rear of the car by installing a jack under the beam

Then install supports under the jack sockets on the car body.

Engage first gear and install wheel chocks under the front wheels.

Loosen the mounting bolts of both rear wheels. Jack up the rear of the car and remove the wheels.

How to Remove and Install the Rear Suspension Beam

Remove the ends of both parking brake cables from the equalizer and remove the cables from the holders on the bottom of the car.

How to Remove and Install the Rear Suspension Beam

Disconnect the rear brake hoses from the pipes on both sides of the vehicle and the elastic pressure regulator lever earring from the bracket on the beam.

Loosen and tighten the wheel mounting bolts only with the vehicle on the ground.

The tightening torque for the bolts is 65–95 N⋅m (6.5–9.5 kgf⋅m).

How to remove and install the rear suspension beam

Using a 10 mm Allen key, loosen the four screws securing the hub axle to the rear suspension beam flange. suspension

How to remove and install the rear suspension beam

Removing the hub with the brake shield. Similarly, remove the hub with the shield on the other side of the beam.

How to remove and install the rear suspension beam

Unscrew the nuts of the lower strut mounts, remove the bolts and disconnect the struts from the beam brackets on both sides of the car.

Assistants should hold the beam.

Remove the rear axle with assistants who will hold and lower the rear suspension beam.

How to remove and install the rear suspension beam

Unscrew the bolt securing the beam to the body bracket on both sides of the car

How to remove and install the rear suspension beam

Lower the rear suspension beam and remove it from under the bottom.

How to remove and install the rear suspension beam

To remove the brackets for attaching the levers to the body, use a 17 mm head to unscrew the three nuts securing the left bracket to the body

How to remove and install the rear suspension beam

Remove the bracket

Similarly, remove the right bracket, while disconnecting the brake hose from it. Install the brackets in the reverse order.

Tighten the nuts securing the left bracket to the side member only after installing the rear suspension beam.

Install the rear suspension beam in the reverse order of removal.

After lowering the car to the ground, vigorously rock the rear of the car several times.

Tighten to the appropriate torques: the nut securing the lower shock absorber to the beam - 68-84 Nm (6.8-8.4 kgf m), the nut securing the beam to the body bracket - 68-84 Nm (6.8-8.4 kgf m).

Bleed the brake system and adjust the parking brake drive.

After driving 100 km, tighten these threaded connections again to the required torques.