We replace the replaceable element of the engine air filter during the next maintenance after 15 thousand km of run

But if the car is operated in dusty conditions, then the element is replaced earlier

If the air filter is dirty, then engine power decreases and fuel consumption increases.

If the air filter is heavily contaminated, oil may be sucked in from the crankcase ventilation system.

Replacing the air filter element

Replacing the air filter element

To get the replaceable element, unfasten the four spring retainer

Replacing the air filter element

Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the five screws securing the air filter cover. The screws are not removed from the cover

Replacing the air filter element

Removing the cover

Replacing the air filter element

Removing the filter element and cleaning the inner surface

Installing a new one replaceable filter element and assemble in the reverse order.

Removing the air filter housing

Bottom view of the air filter housing: 1 - air supply pipe to the air filter; 2 - filter housing; 3 - nipple of the main crankcase ventilation hose; 4 - filter attachment points to the intake manifold; 5 - neck for connection to the throttle assembly

Remove the air filter to access engine parts during maintenance and engine repair.

Removing the air filter housing

To remove the air filter, disconnect the air duct hose

Removing the air filter housing

Using the E12 head, unscrew the two screws securing the filter housing to the cylinder head cover

Removing the air filter housing

Unscrew the two screws securing the housing to the intake manifold

Removing the air filter housing

Lift the filter and remove the plastic tube from the right holder on the housing, connecting the adsorber to the throttle assembly.

Removing the air filter housing

Disconnect the crankcase ventilation hose from the pipe on the cylinder head cover

Remove the plastic tube adsorber from the left holder on the housing and remove the air filter

Removing the air filter housing

Remove the sealing ring in connection with the throttle assembly pipe

Install the air filter in the reverse order

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