The engine management system fuses are located in the fuse and relay box of the control system, installed on the rear cover of the controller under the instrument panel on the front panel in front of the passenger

You will need a 10 mm wrench (preferably an end wrench).

Figure 1 shows the controller, fuses and relay of the engine management system of the Niva Chevrolet

Location of relays and fuses in the box: 1 - additional relay (turns on the right electric fan through an additional resistor at low speed); 2 - fuse (50 A) protecting the power circuits of the additional relay and the right electric fan relay; 3 - fuse (15 A) protecting the power circuits of the electric fuel pump relay; 4 - fuse (15 A) protecting the constant power circuit of the controller; 5 - right electric fan relay; 6 - left electric fan relay; 7 - electric fuel pump relay; 8 - main relay; 9 - fuse (50 A) protecting the circuits of the left electric fan; 10 - fuse (15 A) protecting the power circuits switched on by the main relay; 11 - controller

Unscrew the controller cover fastening nut and unscrew the controller cover fastening nut

Replacing the fuses and relays of the Niva Chevrolet ECM

Replacing the fuses and relays of the Niva Chevrolet ECM

Remove the cover.

Replacing the fuses and relays of the Niva Chevrolet ECM

Remove the fuse by hand or special tweezers and install a new fuse of the same rating in its place

Replacing the fuses and relays of the Niva Chevrolet ECM

The fuse rating is indicated on its body.

It is prohibited to install a fuse with a rating higher than the one removed, in order to avoid damage to the components of the engine management system.

Replace the block cover.

Replacing the engine management system relay

The engine management system relay, like the fuses of this system, are located in the fuse and relay block of the control system, installed on the rear cover of the controller under the instrument panel on the front panel in front of the passenger.

You will need a "10" key (preferably an end one).

Remove the block cover fuses and relays.

Replacing the engine management system relay

Remove the relay and install a new one in its place.

The relay type is indicated on its cover. Install a new relay of the same type as the one removed.

Replace the block cover

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