Disconnect the wire from the "-" terminal of the battery.

Remove the generator for inspection, as well as for repair or replacement.

If the generator fails while the car is moving, then to reduce current consumption, you need to turn off unnecessary lighting devices, turn off the radio, heater fan, glass heating, etc.

If the generator is faulty, you need to urgently go to the nearest auto repair shop to repair the generator.

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Disconnect the block with the wire from the terminal «D» of the generator.

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Remove the protective cover, unscrew the nut and disconnect the wires from the contact bolt (terminal «B+»)

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Unscrew the nut of the generator mounting bolt to the tension bar and remove the bolt.

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Unscrew the nut of the generator lower mount bolt.

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Remove the generator drive belt.

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Remove the bolt and use a mounting blade to remove the generator from the bracket

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Remove the generator.

Install the generator in the reverse order removal

After installation, adjust the tension of the alternator drive belt.

For cars with installed power steering and air conditioning compressor, see the second page

For an engine with an installed air conditioning compressor and power steering

Remove the auxiliary drive belt

Replacing the Niva Chevrolet alternator

Move the protective cap from the B+ terminal of the alternator

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Unscrew the nut with a 10 key

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Disconnect the wires from the contact bolt

Replacing the Niva Chevrolet Generator

Disconnect the generator excitation wire block

Replacing the Niva Chevrolet Generator

Using a 13 key, unscrew the nut of the generator lower mount bolt

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Removing the bolt

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Using a 13 key, unscrew the nut of the generator upper mount bolt

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Holding the generator, remove the bolt

Replacing the generator Niva Chevrolet

Removing the generator

Installing the generator in reverse order

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